Understanding Barcelona

(An article written by Ben Hogg, a member on a citytravelreview project in Barcelona, summer 2015)

APJXTE Placa De George Orwell Barcelona named in memory of Orwells service in the Spanish Civil War

APJXTE Placa De George Orwell Barcelona named in memory of Orwells service in the Spanish Civil War

Civil War City Tour

Meeting point: Outside Cafe Zurich in Plaça Catalunya 20€
At 9am the tour begins by being individually questioned as to why we had arisen so early to brave the sun. After the introductions, the first stop is just over the road in ‘Plaça de Catalunya’. If there’s a spare seat, take advantage! The lesson begins.

First off you are given a brief history of the build up to the war, events around Spain and the major players. Even the four hours it takes aren’t adequate to tell the whole story of the war, so from here on in the focus is on Barcelona. You also get a booklet containing info on the many anti-fascist organisations involved, a chronology of major events and a reading list.

Thoroughly researched and emblazoned with personal tales of key figures, the facts are diversified for the purpose of flow. If you are dedicated then bring your thinking-cap, though. The tour guide is happy to answer any questions, in fact he is frustrated when they don’t come. This is most evident at the end of the tour, sat in a bar decorated with the women of the war. After the applause, comes muted contemplation.

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